The Vintage Cosmetic Company Raises Money and Awareness for Look Good Feel Better Charity

On Saturday the 17th of June, The Vintage Cosmetic Company, a Chelmsford based business, held a charity day for Look Good Feel Better in High Chelmer shopping centre where they sold products and collected donations to raise money and awareness for local make-up confidence workshops.
Look Good Feel Better is an international charity, initially founded in 1989 in America, that helps women and teenagers manage the visible side effects of cancer treatments. Since then they have grown significantly worldwide and now operate in 26 countries. Their free confidence boosting skincare and make-up workshops are open to people with any type of cancer and are held in more than 103 locations across the UK, including throughout Essex.

Craig Hubert the CEO of The Vintage Cosmetic Company says “Often, when people undergo cancer treatments they experience changes with their body, which can damage their self-esteem significantly: Their hair can fall out and sometimes they are left with scarring and other skin blemishes.” He goes on to say “Like The Vintage Cosmetic Company, the charity Look Good Feel Better believes in the therapeutic and psychological benefits of women wearing make-up, especially in the face of adversity when women are coping with the side effects of having cancer treatments.”
Led by LGFB Beauty Volunteers, these workshops provide women an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation whilst being taught vital make-up skills, such as how to draw on missing eyebrows and create the illusion of eyelashes so they can boost their confidence.
Led by LGFB Beauty Volunteers, these workshops provide women an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation whilst being taught vital make-up skills, such as how to draw on missing eyebrows and create the illusion of eyelashes so they can boost their confidence.
The Vintage Cosmetic Company raised over £200 from their stand in High Chelmer, with all proceeds from products sold going to Look Good Feel Better. This money will fund four places at Look Good Feel Better workshops, ensuring that four women in the local area, who are suffering from the effects of cancer and cancer treatments, will have the opportunity to attend an uplifting workshop, to help them face cancer head-on!